What is the lifespan of aqua colored contact lenses?

The lifespan of aqua colored contact lenses, or any colored contact lenses, depends on their specific type and replacement schedule, which is determined by the lens material and design.

Here are common replacement schedules for colored contact lenses:

  1. Daily Disposable Lenses:
    • Aqua colored contact lenses designed for daily use are typically discarded at the end of each day. Daily disposable lenses don’t require cleaning and are a convenient option for those who prefer a fresh pair every day.
  2. Bi-Weekly Disposable Lenses:
    • Some aqua colored contact lenses have a replacement schedule of every two weeks. These lenses need to be cleaned and stored properly after each use, aqua colored contact lenses and a new pair is used after two weeks.
  3. Monthly Disposable Lenses:
    • Monthly colored contact lenses are designed to be replaced every month. Like bi-weekly lenses, they require proper cleaning and storage when not in use.
  4. Quarterly or Yearly Replacement:
    • Some colored contact lenses, including aqua-colored ones, have a longer replacement schedule, ranging from quarterly to yearly. These lenses may require more intensive cleaning and care.

It’s crucial to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and your eye care professional’s guidance regarding the replacement schedule and care routine for your specific aqua colored contact lenses. Adhering to the recommended schedule is essential for maintaining eye health and preventing complications such as infections or discomfort.

Regardless of the replacement schedule, it’s important to attend regular eye exams and follow proper hygiene practices, including handwashing before handling lenses, using the recommended contact lens solution, and avoiding exposure to water when wearing lenses. If you experience any discomfort, redness, or changes in vision, remove the lenses immediately and consult with your eye care professional.